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How Dehydration Causes Truck Accidents


When people think of the most common causes of truck accidents, they often think of negligent acts such as speeding, being impaired by alcohol or drugs, and distracted driving. While these are all some of the most common causes of truck accidents, there is another that is not often considered. This is truck driver dehydration. According to one study, dehydrated truck drivers can also cause crashes and it is more common than people think. Our San Antonio truck accident attorney explains more about the study, and the effects of dehydration, below.

How Does Dehydration Cause Truck Accidents? 

There are many reasons truck drivers become dehydrated, even more so than other motorists. Truck drivers work on very tight schedules and they are under an enormous amount of pressure to deliver their cargo on time. Due to this, they often do not stop for breaks to purchase water, and they also do not want to stop to take bathroom breaks. Additionally, truck drivers often use caffeinated drinks to remain awake and alert while they are on the road. These beverages are diuretic, which leads to the body losing more water and becoming dehydrated.

Students at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom studied the effects of dehydration on the driving habits of motorists. They found the following:

  • Even mild dehydration can result in more driver errors.
  • While 47 driving incidents involved motorists who were hydrated, another 101 involved drivers who were dehydrated.
  • The effect of being dehydrated while driving is similar to driving while impaired by alcohol.
  • Driving issues caused by dehydration are similar to those impaired drivers exhibit including crossing the rumble strip or center line and braking late.

While it may not be possible to show that a truck driver was dehydrated at the time of a crash, it is entirely possible to establish the error they made that caused the accident.

Symptoms of Dehydration in Truck Drivers

Dehydration causes many common symptoms that can interfere with a truck driver’s ability to operate their vehicle safely. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry skin
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Sunken eyes and cheeks
  • Irritability or listlessness
  • Confusion

While any truck driver can suffer from dehydration if they do not consume enough fluids, there are some that are more susceptible to it than others. Truck drivers who take certain hypertension medications, suffer from diabetes, or work at high altitudes are more likely to become dehydrated than trucks who do not drive under those conditions.

Our Truck Accident Lawyer in San Antonio Can Determine What Caused Your Crash 

If you have been hurt in a truck accident, you need sound legal advice. At the Law Office of Israel Garcia, our San Antonio truck accident lawyer has the necessary experience to determine what caused your crash to determine who is liable. We will also hold the liable party accountable for paying the maximum amount of compensation. Call us today at 210-LAW-9999 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need.


lboro.ac.uk/internal/news/2015/april/dehydrated-drivers.html#:~:text=Dehydrated drivers make the same,in terms of driver errors.

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