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How to Drive Safely Around 18-Wheelers


It is natural to feel intimidated and anxious when approaching an 18-wheeler on the road. Due to the fact that these trucks dwarf passenger vehicles, they cause severe injuries when they collide with smaller vehicles. Fortunately, while no motorist can control the actions of a truck driver or trucking company, there are ways you can avoid an accident with these large trucks. Below, our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney explains the best safety tips to follow.

Avoid No-Zones 

The blind spots on commercial trucks are referred to as ‘no zones,’ and it is critical that you avoid these areas. Trucks have very large blind spots on both sides, the front, and the back of the vehicle. Generally speaking, if you cannot see the truck driver, you should assume that they cannot see you, either. Stay out of the no zones on a truck as much as possible. If you need to pass a truck, do so on the left side. Proceed quickly but cautiously and always ensure your lane is clear before returning.

Do Not Cut Trucks Off 

Cutting any vehicle off in traffic is risky, but it is even more dangerous to cut off a truck. Trucks are much larger and so, they take a lot longer to slow down and come to a full stop. If the truck driver does not have enough time to stop, the truck may crash into your vehicle, or the truck driver may swerve into other motorists. Never make abrupt lane changes, particularly when driving around an 18-wheeler. After passing, maintain a distance of ten car lengths between your vehicle and the truck. This will keep you out of the truck driver’s blind spot and give them time to stop if necessary.

Pay Attention to Signals and Lights 

The signals and the lights on a truck are the only way to know how the vehicle is going to proceed. Always watch for a truck’s turn signals and when they come on, do not pass the truck. Instead, provide them with ample room and make sure you are not in the inside lane. Also make sure to watch for a truck’s brake lights so you can stop in time, and always use your own lights and signals, too.

Do Not Tailgate a Truck 

Like with cutting off other vehicles, it is particularly more dangerous to tailgate a truck. If you are following an 18-wheeler too closely and the vehicle makes a sudden stop, you may not have the necessary time to bring your car to a stop. This can result in one of the most catastrophic truck crashes, an underride accident. In this type of accident, the smaller vehicle is pulled underneath the truck’s trailer. Underride accidents are often fatal for the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Our 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney in San Antonio Can Help with Your Case 

It is important to know how to safely share the road with trucks so you are not blamed in the aftermath of a crash. At the Law Office of Israel Garcia, our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney can determine who is liable for paying compensation for your injuries and ensure you receive a fair settlement. Call us today at 210-LAW-9999 or contact us online to request a consultation and to get the legal help you need.



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