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San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer > Blog > Fatigued Truck Driver Accident > Why are Drowsy Truck Drivers So Dangerous?

Why are Drowsy Truck Drivers So Dangerous?


An 80,000 pound transport truck barreling down a highway at 65 miles per hour can be an intimidating sight. These massive vehicles, and the drivers operating them, have a responsibility to move goods throughout Texas, and the nation. It can be a tiring and demanding job. It is not uncommon for truck drivers to become drowsy behind the wheel, and that poses a great danger to all other motorists on the road.

The very nature of the trucking industry is to meet tight deadlines and deliver as much product as possible in very short amounts of time. When truck drivers are drowsy, though, it can become impossible for them to make safe driving decisions.

The Risks of Drowsy Truck Drivers 

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 13 percent of commercial vehicle accidents involved a drowsy driver. Drowsy driving has become such a problem among drivers in general that it has been compared to impaired driving. Simply put, the body has a biological need to sleep. During this time, the body repairs itself by strengthening pathways in the brain, cataloguing memories, and rejuvenating muscles and overall systems.

Without at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night, the brain is unable to function at top performance. This can result in many issues, including:

  • Poor decision-making skills
  • Slowed response times
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Altered reasoning skills

The above are just a few of the risks associated with drowsy truck drivers.

Why Do Truckers Drive While Drowsy? 

Although many truckers understand their physical limits, and respect them, others are willing to push their bodies to their limits. Again, the very nature of the trucking industry is to move as many goods as possible in the shortest amount of time. Some trucking companies even find ways to shirk the hours of service law, which requires truckers to take mandatory rest breaks. Some companies even provide their drivers with incentives for breaking this law and delivering their cargo on time, or even early.

While not law, there are also recommendations that motorists avoid driving during the hours of 1 am to 6 am and 2 pm to 4 pm. Many truck drivers ignore these recommendations, as well. They often do this to avoid being fired by the trucking company or to earn higher wages. Truck drivers also work at very odd hours, which can contribute to their fatigue. When they are able to rest, they are often forced to sleep in motel rooms or the cab of their vehicle, and it is not always easy to sleep in these locations.

Our Fatigued Truck Driver Accident Lawyer in San Antonio Can Prove Your Case 

Drowsy driving is a leading cause of truck accidents, but it is not always easy to prove. At the Law Office of Israel Garcia, our San Antonio fatigued truck driver accident lawyer knows how to prove these cases and help clients obtain financial compensation. We can put that expertise to work for you, too. Call us now at 210-LAW-9999 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need.




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